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There is no such thing as a silly question...


We keep and have bred a diverse range of species, and morphs for many years but our advice remains the same.

Start simple…There is a stunning range of 'low end' species. Check out Porcellio and Armadillidium species. The requirements for these are generally less demanding.

Know your species…How do they live in the wild? Are they more terrestrial or fossorial (burrowing)? Do you want pods you are going to be able to observe easily or do you want a tub of pet dirt? Different species have evolved to do different jobs. Cubaris sp. for example, have cute little 'beaks' for a reason…digging!

Also, watch out for common names. Different sellers can use different common names for the same species or morph.

Feeding…They are detritivores. Again, consider their natural habitat. Expensive supplements, in our experience, are not required. Leaf litter, collect your own and freeze it for 24-48 hrs from an area known to be free from pesticides and chemicals, rotting wood and dead and decaying organic material is what they have evolved to eat. They are recycling machines! Certain species may require more exacting conditions but again, generally speaking they are all designed to do the same thing in nature.

Temperature & humidity/ventilation… again, know your species. Start with the easy species. Once you understand and are successful with the basics then progress to the more challenging species.

Breeding… what are you expecting? Some species are hard to keep the numbers down and you will soon be inundated with mancae (babies). What will you do with the excess? Others produce very few mancae, less often and take longer to mature to breeding age. That's why certain species hold their price. Think supply and demand!

Starter cultures… whilst not impossible to build up a culture from 3 or 5 individuals, the percentage of getting all one sex initially is higher! We sell in units of 10 for this reason! If you insist, we are happy to sell in units of 5.
Buying… the UK is not part of the EU! As a result, you take the risk of importing. Caviat emptor. Try to use breeders not flippers!  (Buying in bulk to sell on). A reputable breeder will be happy to discuss details of the isopods you are looking to purchase. 

Overall, keeping pods, whatever your reasons can be an enjoyable and educational experience. It doesn't have to cost a lot or be overly complicated. Take time to learn from your own experiences and the experiences of those who have been around in the hobby for many years.


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